

Reaching your full potential with Anntje and Steff

Really getting to know our consultants, understand what motivates them, and support them to give their all everyday, in their professional as well as in their private life.

Anntje: That is what it’s all about for us, because we believe this provides the strongest possible foundation for a succesfull and long term collaboration.

Steff: By really getting to know our consultants, we have a better understanding of which projects would fit them.’This makes it possible for us to look more accurately for trainings that align with their projects, ambitions and goals, and that we can advise them which steps best to take in order to achieve their ambitions and goals effortless and as soon as possible.’ We want to make sure that every one of our consultants can thrive and reach his or hers full potential by creating a supportive, safe but also fun environment.

Business Unit Manager


Business Unit Manager


The benefits of working regionally

Having the ability to work from home and flexibly manage your working hours. But also, having a short travel time to your client. We understand how important such factors are to you. That’s why you are connected to one of our regional offices in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Amsterdam, or Rotterdam. With two business unit managers who are aware of all the interesting projects you can take on at clients who give you the personal attention you deserve.

The benefits of working regionally

Having the ability to work from home and flexibly manage your working hours. But also, having a short travel time to your client. We understand how important such factors are to you. That’s why you are connected to one of our regional offices in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Amsterdam, or Rotterdam. With two business unit managers who are aware of all the interesting projects you can take on at clients who give you the personal attention you deserve.


Want to know more about our projects, corporate culture or terms of employment? Ask away!

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